Tuesday, November 29, 2011

2 Minute Project

I am having too much fun with this project! The next section in the book is the 2 Minute projects. I chose to to the project called Seven Things. It is based off of an improv game where you are given a topic and you have to come up with things about that topic. Basically you are given a topic (like names of new dance moves or secret nicknames for Robert DeNiro--yeah that was a real one!) and you have 2 minutes to come up with 7 things for that topic. For this one, I wanted to do as many topics as I could so I got my family involved and made it a game!! So I will give you one of the lists that each of my family members came up with:

From my mom:
7 excuses to get out of a date that's going badly
-My pet octopus is having surgery
-I need to go shave my legs
-I'm just not that into you
-I feel like I'm going to throw up and have diarrhea 
-My husband is going to kill you if I don't get home
-My uncle, the serial killer, is getting out of jail and I need to go pick him up
-My mother is calling me

From my dad:
7 names for a shrimp
-Short Stuff
-Flat Tail

From my sister:
7 title for a love song to a snail
-Oh Beautiful Slug
-My Snail, My Slug
-Sluggy McSlugster
-The Shell On Your Back
-Slowly Loving You
-Snailing Tonight
-You Snail My Heart Away

And finally from me!
7 reasons to send soup back
-There's a hair in it
-I want it in a different bowl
-I don't like spoons
-I thought it was chowder
-It doesn't have the right letters of the alphabet in it
-I don't like the waiter who brought it out
-Every Wednesday is 'Send-Back-Soup' day!

If you want more fun topics to play with, check out Unstuck!

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